He's looking for work

Earlier this summer I was waiting to get picked up at a gas station. I was standing in the shade next to the phone booth when a truck with a trailer pulled up. The trailer had a giant lawnmower, the kind you sit in, and other gardening equipment in it. The guys came out of the truck, sat down on the lawn, and started eating lunch.

This other guy comes out of the dep attached to the gas station, walks up to me and asks me if I'm on my lunch break. I say no, but that no is drawn out with a question mark at the end, noooo? He says, you're not working with them, nodding his head towards the truck. And I tell him I'm not.

Then he walks over to the guys on the lawn and he tells them he's new in town and he's looking for work. They say they're full up at the moment, but they make a few calls and get him an interview with another outfit doing the same kind of work.

There's been a sign for a few days at the local grocers, saying they're looking for employees. I shave, shower, trim my nose hairs, and head over. I do my groceries, and at the cash I ask for an application form. Halfway through filling it out the manager comes up to talk to me. I start tomorrow.


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