Am I peeing myself?

A girl at a beauty pageant, during the final round of competition, when it was just her and four other girls left who could grab the title of miss whatever, she screwed up her answer. And screwed up isn't really the right word, she gave an answer so incoherent, so nonsensical, that the show had to go to commercial break so that the host could stop laughing. This answer was given in front of the judges, the other contestants, her family, the studio audience, the viewing audience, and, eventually, in front of everyone who had access to the internet.

When I was made aware of her blunder, I forwarded the video to everyone I knew. We spent the rest of that day emailing each other back and forth, dissecting her answer, parsing the run on sentence that she went with, trying to find any logic to it whatsoever. We failed. Although I hear that she appeared on a morning talk show the very next day in order to explain herself. That video is now circulating the internet as well.

Years ago, during the Olympics, the girl I was seeing she was talking about the hundred meter sprint, about how it must feel to be on that final line, getting ready to run against the fastest people in the world in the biggest race in the world. I said to her that I knew what I would be thinking if it was me down on that field, "oh my fucking God. What the fuck am I doing here? I can barely run the one hundred in fifteen seconds. This is so embarrassing. Am I peeing myself?"


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