Josie's house

It was warm and sunny outside when she asked me to walk home with her after work. We both knew it was likely going to be the last day of the year where I could actually wear shorts outside, considering the last couple of weeks had been strictly toques and scarves weather. What we didn't both know, what only I knew, was that the route she suggested was going to take us right by the house of a woman I once dated, Josie.

Josie was one of those situations where the ending comes about because of a different point of view. From my point of view, which went unexpressed, I thought we should take a step forward from dating to relationship. From hers, we should take a step back from dating to ceasing communication. That was the last time we spoke.

It wasn't until later that evening that I realized that I never even saw Josie's house. That we'd walked by it without my even noticing.


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