She finds me on the bench in front of her work when she opens the downstairs door, lying down with my eyes closed, soft music playing in my earphones. When everyone from the party piled into a taxi to go bar hopping an hour before closure, I walked up to meet her at her work instead.

She says I was supposed to knock at the upstairs door, but I must have misunderstood. Although I wasn't surprised when she didn't answer the door considering all the lights downstairs were extinguished.

A cab ride later, we're walking down the street to her flat when she asks me, "do you still want me to tell you if you aren't walking in a straight line." I mumble something before she holds me by the shoulders and says,"you're not walking in a straight line."

When in bed and I tell her I think I might be sick, she suggests I go to the bathroom. I flip the light switch on, lift the lid, and lie down, resting my head on the bathroom floor while my feet extend into the hallway. Later she'll help me back to bed and provide a bucket, in case.

There's a brief glimpse of conciousness early in the morning, just as the sun is coming up, when she kisses me and tells me she's off to her conference, but I only really wake up when the noonday sun hits me through the window.

Stumbling into the kitchen I find a note on the table surrounded by a glass with a spoon in it, a bottle of ibuprofen, a key, a leash, and a plastic bag. The note reads:

Good Morning agent Hearns

You will find before you on the table various tools to aid you in your mission. It is up to you to use them in the manner required in order to succeed:

- 1 glass and 1 spoon for your morning shake
- 1 bottle of ibuprofen to get rid of your headache
- 1 leash and 1 bag to walk the dog
- 1 key to enter and exit from the apartment
- 1 kiss and 1 hug to keep you smiling

Enjoy your day, and good luck